Drift Velocity

Drift velocity is a very important concept in current electricity in physics for class 12 students.

Schrodinger Birthday 12-August-2021

Saitechies celebrated Schrodinger Birthday on 12-August-2021. Happy Birthday to Erwin Schrödinger, one of the founders of…

Motion in a plane

Created by Poontamizharasi, STD 11

Properties of Elecrtic field lines

Electric field line properties by Sai Sunanda


Concept Nugget by Pavani Quiz: [h5p id=”6″]

Reflections on curved surfaces or mirrors

Concept Nugget on Reflections by Pavani Concave mirror is used as a shaving or make up…

Total Internal Reflection

Click on the + marks and identify the appropriate labels in Total internal reflection. [h5p id=”5″]

Electricity for class 10

Carnot Engine

Atomic structure

Current Electricity

By Balaji

Electromagnetic Induction

Topic tree by Srinithi Terms and definitions Write terms and definitions in Flash Cards. You can…