Fees Policy

Collecting tuition fees from parents is an important part of running an educational institution or tutoring service. Saitech Informatics adopts the following policies to do so politely and professionally:

  1. Clear Communication from the Start:
    We start every academic year or enrollment process by clearly communicating the tuition fee structure, due dates, and payment methods to parents. Our parents and students are advised to make sure they are fully aware of Saitechinfo Fees Policy. There are two important categories of students at Saitech Informatics. We offer free education to all students through our Social Media platform. However, we depend on the financial support from the donations and the tuition fees collected from premium students who need our personal care, mentoring and tutorial services at Saitech Informatics.
  2. Payment Options:
    We offer multiple payment options to parents to make it convenient for them. This may include online payments, bank transfers, GPay, QR Code Payments, debit card payments, or cash payments.
  3. We Send Timely Reminders:
    We send out reminders well in advance of the due date. The fees due date for all Saitech Informatics students and parents is 7th day of every month for monthly tuition fees. A gentle reminder a few weeks before the due date can help parents plan their finances accordingly.
  4. Check in and Check out System:
    Check in and Check out System through Telegram is provided to all Premium Saitech Students. Please pay your fees promptly in the first and activate your Premium Coaching Card. If any candidate does not make the payment before 7th day of every month due to some reasons, he or she will be considered as Saitech Premium Candidates. They can continue as Free Online Students and access our study notes, learning media contents. They will loose all premium facilities. However, they can come back as premium candidates.
  5. We Create a Payment Schedule:
    We consider breaking the tuition fee into weekly manageable payments on special request from the parent. This can make it easier for parents to budget for tuition costs.
  6. Offer Financial Aid or Scholarships:
    We support financial aid or scholarship opportunities to help parents who may be struggling with tuition costs. Please contact our accounts team.
  7. Providing Receipts:
    We provide digital receipts or confirmation of payment to parents through our online payment system. This not only helps them keep track of their payments but also provides transparency.
  8. Accessiblity:
    We are always available to answer any questions or concerns parents may have about tuition fees. Make sure they feel comfortable reaching out to you with any financial inquiries.
  9. Handling Delinquent Payments with Sensitivity:
    If a parent falls behind on payments, we approach the situation with empathy. We try to understand the parents’ circumstances and work out a solution that suits both parties. This might involve creating a payment plan or offering other support.
  10. Maintaining Confidentiality:
    We ensure that all financial information and discussions with parents are kept confidential. We respect their privacy and never discuss their financial situation with others.
  11. Professional Tone in Communication:
    Our staff maintain a professional and respectful tone in all communications regarding tuition fees. Our fees collecting staff avoid being confrontational or judgmental.
  12. Follow School Policies:
    We ensure that we are following the policies and procedures established by our institution for fee collection. Consistency in how fees are collected is important.
  13. Documentation:
    We keep clear records of all payments, communications, and agreements with parents. This documentation can be useful in case of disputes or for future reference.
  14. We Seek Legal Advice if Necessary:
    If we encounter persistent issues with fee collection or disputes, we consult with our institution’s legal counsel to ensure that we are handling the situation within the bounds of the law.
  15. Fees Return Policy:
    • Administrative Fees and Monthly Fees once paid are not returned under any circumstances.
    • If any student is unable to continue with some valid reasons and if such student has paid annual fees, it will be refunded after deducting the administrative fees and monthly fees on the approval of our accounts and legal teams.
  16. Responsibility of Parents and Students:
    • There is a financial and time budget for every task in our life.
    • We carefully plan and try to give the students and parents to offer the best educational service.
    • Please pay your fees dues on time and support Saitechinfo Educational Services.
    • Please note that your fees is also useful to support free services rendered by Saitechinfo through social media and directly to the needy children.

We adopt a polite and professional approach to collecting tuition fees. This not only maintains a positive relationship with parents but also reflects well on our educational institution or tutoring service. Communication and understanding are key to successful fee collection. Guru Dakshinai is a cordial offering made by the students to his or her Mentor with full satisfaction.


Collect Fees like a Honey Bee collects honey from the flowers.