Parents’ Wish List

by Dr E. Ramanathan

A parents’ wish list includes a variety of hopes and desires related to their children. It can be classifed as the wish list about their well-being, their family life, and their own personal needs and aspirations. Let us keep in mind that every parent’s wish list may be unique, yet I would like to mention here some common aspects that parents often wish for:

1. Safety of Children: 

   – The good health and safety of their children and family members.

   – Protection from accidents, illnesses, and harm.

2. Happiness in Family:

   – Happiness, joy, and a positive outlook for their children.

   – Emotional well-being and resilience in the face of challenges.

3. Education of Children:

   – A quality education for their children that helps them reach their full potential.

   – Access to educational resources and opportunities.

4. Financial Stability in Family:

   – Financial security to provide for their family’s basic needs.

   – The ability to save for their children’s future and other important goals.

5. Quality Time with Members of Family:

   – More quality time with their children and family.

   – Opportunities for family bonding and creating lasting memories.

6. Work-Life Balance:

   – A balance between work and family life to be there for their children.

   – Flexible work arrangements when needed.

7. Supportive Society:

   – A supportive community or network of friends and family.

   – Access to resources and services that benefit their family.

8. Individual Growth:

   – Opportunities for their own personal growth and development.

   – Pursuit of hobbies and interests outside of parenting.

9. Healthy Lifestyle:

   – A healthy lifestyle for their family, including nutritious food and regular exercise.

   – A clean and safe living environment.

10. Tours and Travels

    – The ability to travel and explore the world with their children.

    – Experiences that broaden their children’s horizons.

11. Success and Fulfilment for Children:

    – Their children’s success in academics, sports, or any chosen pursuits.

    – Fulfilment and finding their own passions in life.

12. Peaceful Family

    – A harmonious and peaceful family life.

    – Effective communication and resolution of conflicts.

13. Inclusivity and Diversity:

    – An inclusive and diverse environment where their children can learn about the world.

    – Respect and acceptance of differences.

14. Readiness to undergo Training in Parenting Skills:

    – Improved parenting skills and patience.

    – Guidance on raising happy and responsible children.

15. A Strong, Loving Family:

    – A close-knit, loving family that supports each other through thick and thin.

    – Strong family bonds that endure.

16. Sustainability:

    – A clean and sustainable environment for their children’s future.

    – Teaching their children to care for the planet.

17. Time Management:

    – Better time management skills to balance all responsibilities effectively.

    – More efficient routines and systems.

18. Self-Care:

    – The opportunity for self-care and self-reflection.

    – A sense of balance and well-being for themselves.

Dear friends, please remember that these wishes can vary greatly from one parent to another, and priorities may change over time as children grow and family dynamics evolve. Ultimately, parents often wish for the best possible future for their children and a fulfilling family life.