Do not worry about the poor marks scored in school tests

Many parents worry about poor marks scored by their wards in school tests conducted very frequently, systematically, mechanically without ensuring the completion of learning process of a particular topic by a student.

Your Questions

Most of the parents will be worried about the following.

  1. Is failure in such small tests a good symptom of a learning process?
  2. Do these frequent failures result in a great fall in academic performance?
  3. What should I do if my child score poor marks?
  4. Can I give a rigorous punishment to the child for his negligence in the school test so that he will do better next time?
கறை நல்லது! அதற்கேற்ற சலவையும் சிறந்தது!!

Our answers:
1. No

2. May be, but can be avoided by appointing a suitable mentor. But trust that mentor till his final operation.

3. Appoint a local good teacher or mentor with less number of students.

4. Never do that. Will you punish your toddler when he falls on ground when he attempts to walk?

Let us explore a solution to each problem one by one. Before that, please watch this video. I received this forwarded video from my friend.

Give your comments about this video in comments column given below.

Teach your wards that life is full of patterns of successes and failures. Let them learn the failure mode analysis and do the corrective measures. Nothing is perfect in this world. Give them every time an opportunity to stand up when and where they fall! After all, they are like toddlers. Never give up your trials to correct the child in every step in his life.

Image result for toddler falling"

If you smile, encourage and clap when they fall, they are motivated!! Do you scold at your toddler when he or she fails to take the next step? Never. If you cry out of tension, the child will also cry!! Never do that. Encourage your ward in every step of his or her life!!

Karai Nallathu !!

Some persons are born actors! They dedicate their entire life for their profession. Some are born teachers or mentors! Treat your mentors as God’s incarnations! Never be carried away by the tales of young kids bluffing out of their laziness or mischief or disobedience when things go wrong. Never blame the teaching community for every failure! Because, there is trending now the teachers are being targetted for every failure of a student. Teaching is not everybody’s cup of tea. Teaching is the noblest profession. Nowadays, every teacher finds very difficult to tackle the students; they feel like walking on a fire in their classroom!! Instead of blaming them collaborate with them. Parents know very well how difficult to handle their own kids. Do you agree with that how difficult it is for a teacher handling his or her classes with variety of students from different family with different walks of life, cultures and habits?

Have an unshaken faith on your teacher or mentor. Trust all his activities are aimed for the welfare of the children. No mentor will accept any disturbance during the molding of his disciple. Can a doctor be disturbed while he is attending to his patient in the operation theatre? Can you disturb a potter when he shapes a lump of clay into a pot?

Image result for pottery"

Schools have some limitations in paying personal attention to each and every child. Especially in this present scenario of pandemic issues of COVID-19, is it possible to deliver the subject contents comfortably for a poor teacher to 60 to 80 children through online teaching?

The role of a mentor, let him be a God man or a local teacher, is very important in one’s life. He trains us sufficiently, like a father who coaches cycling to his son or daughter, running initially along with his ward, but he knows where to leave the ward cycling alone. Everyone learns good cycling only by falling. But the child should learn how to come out of the failure. The role of a parent is like a referee in a game of life or learning.

When the child does a foul play the referee blows the whistle to correct the attitude to take the player to his high altitude.

Saitechinfo adopts a very systematic approach in academic learning. We go by unit by unit only and ensure 100% success in every unit. It would be very difficult to score 100% in the very first step. But, we constantly encourage each student to score 100% within three levels. We call this academic assessment plan as Saitech Centum Cyclic Model.

Shreya narrates her experience about Centum Cyclic Examination.

Pavani narrates here experience about Centum Cyclic Tests
Shiva narrates his experience about Saitech Centum Cyclic Tests.
Gokul explains about Centum cyclic test
Dharshini, Centum Scorer in STD 10 Maths Board Examination

Saitechinfo has developed this Centum Cyclic Test Model for encouraging everyone to score the highest marks by giving 3 opportunities to clear every unit wise tests. Similarly Centum Cyclic Model Examinations are also conducted from the month of January till the end of the board examinations.

We request all parents to believe the scientific method of assessment. Let the parents do not worry too much about the weekly test marks. We conduct the tests not irritate the students with poor marks. We encourage students to score 100% within three levels. If they fail in the school tests, we have already advised the students to rewrite the same school tests after preparing well and clarifying their doubts at Saitechinfo.

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