
  1. Sets
  2. Relation and functions
  3. Trigonometry
  4. Complex numbers
  5. Mathematical induction
  6. Linear inequalities
  7. Permutation and combination | Combination – selection | Combination Model Problem Mapping
  8. Binomial theorem
  9. Sequence and series |Arithmetic progressions | Geometric progressions
  10. Straight lines |Dharshini Notes
  11. Conic section
  12. Three dimentional geometry
  13. Limits and derivatives
  14. Mathematical reasoning
  15. Statistics
  16. Probability


  1. Physical world
  2. Units and measurement | Accuracy, precision, errors
  3. Motion in st line | Kinematic equation of motion
  4. Motion in a plane
  5. Laws of motion | Newton’s First law | Second law
  6. Work, power, energy
  7. System of particle and rotational motion
  8. Gravitation | Kepler’s law | Universal law of gravitation
  9. Mechanical properties of solids | Stress and strain | Types of modulus
  10. Mechanical properties of fluids | Pascal’s law
  11. Thermal properties of matter
  12. Thermodynamics | Compression work on an ideal gas
  13. Kinetic theory
  14. Oscillation
  15. Waves


  1. Basic concepts in chemistry
  2. Stucture of atom
  3. Classification of elements and periodicity in properties | Types of elements
  4. Chemical bonding | Orbital hybridisation | Bond parameters | VSEPR Theory
  5. States of matter | Laws of chemical combinations
  6. Thermodynamics
  7. Equilibrium | Chemical equilibrium
  8. Redox reaction
  9. Hydrogen
  10. S block elements
  11. The p block elements | Sketch notes |      
  12. Organic chemistry basic principles and techniques | Structural representation
  13. Hydrocarbon | Alkanes – Preparation , Chemical Properties
  14. Environmental chemistry