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  1. Number system
  2. Polynomials
  3. Coordinate geometry
  4. Linear equations
  5. Introduction to Euclid’s geometry
  6. Lines and angles
  7. Triangles – Criteria for congruent triangles
  8. Quadrilaterals
  9. Herons formula
  10. Areas of parallelogram and triangles
  11. Circles
  12. Constructions
  13. Surface area and volume
  14. Statistics
  15. Probability


  1. Matter in our surroundings
  2. Is matter around us pure
  3. Atoms and molecules
  4. Structure of the atom
  5. The fundamental unit of life
  6. Tissues
  7. Diversity in living organisms
  8. Motion | Sketch notes |
  9. Force and laws of motion
  10. Gravitation
  11. Work and energy
  12. Sound
  13. Why do we fall ill
  14. Natural resources
  15. Improvement in food resources

Science Revision Tips

Social science


  1. The French Revolution
  2. Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution
  3. Nazism and the Rise of Hitler
  4. Forest Society and Colonialism
  5. Pastoralists in the Modern World
  6. Peasants and Farmers
  7. History and Sport: The Story of Cricket
  8. Clothing: A Social History


  1. India Size and Location
  2. Physical Features of India
  3. Drainage
  4. Climate
  5. Natural Vegetation and Wild Life
  6. Population


  1. Democracy in the Contemporary World NCERT Solutions
  2. What is Democracy? Why Democracy?
  3. Constitutional Design
  4. Electoral Politics
  5. Working of Institutions
  6. Democratic Rights


  1. The Story of Village Palampur
  2. People as Resource
  3. Poverty as a Challenge
  4. Food Security in India