Online counselling

During this country-wide lockdown period, parents are in full confusion in selecting the appropriate course for their wards in class 11 as whether their wards can choose engineering stream or pure science or medical stream or commerce and accounts stream. Saitech has arranged one to one family level personal online counselling. STD 10 CBSE and…

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Dry spray on painted components

Formation of dry powders on painted componets results poor finish. Remedies Avoid fast evapoating solvents in the spray thinners. Avoid spraying under hot sun. Mix some retarder thinner with spray thinner. If it is ordinary air drying alkyd based enamel add a few drops of pine oil. It stops fast evaporation. If it is NC…

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Formulation Disclaimer

Any information given is, to the best of my knowledge, the best currently available, with respect to my products and their use, but it is subject to revision as additional knowledge and experience is gained. Such information is offered as a guideline for experimentation only and is not to be construed as a representation that…

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Rusting in open yard

Rusing is a natural phenomenon of a metal forming metal oxide layer on its surface. Two factors are essential for the formation of rusting of a metal. One is oxygen present in air and the other one is water or humidity present in atmosphere. How can it be prevented? Newly formed metal sheets are duly…

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