Work and Work Energy Theorem for Variable Forces
Work For constant force For variable force Work Energy Theorem For constant force For variable force

Commercially important alcohols
Quiz What is DNS? What is the role of pyridine in DNS? What anaerobic condition? What will happen to alcohol if it is prepared in presence of air? Which salt gives blue colour to DNS? Give the answers in the comment column.
Reactions of Phenol – part-2
Reactions of phenol Electrophilic substitution reaction Nitration Halogenation Sulphonation Alkylation Kolbe’s reaction Reaction with zinc dust Reimer Tiemann Reaction Oxidation
Did anyone hurt you?
There was a short story about a donkey! One day the donkey fell down in a pit and started crying in agony and seeking for a help. The nearby people was disturbed by its noise, yet, really wanted to help the donkey to bring it up to a safe place. They tried to their maximum…
Surface Disinfectant Spray
The world is full of enemies. Some are visible, and roaming in our vicinity and most of them are invisible. After the release of lock down everyone has started travelling here and there with face masks and COVID-19 protective kit with lot of pending tasks and priorities. Most of us think that mere washing hands…
Reactions of Phenol
Reactions of phenol part-1 Electrophilic substitution of phenol Nitration Halogenation Sulphonation Alkylation Acylation Kolbe’s reaction Reimer Tiemann reaction With zinc dust Oxidation Reference Books Organic Chemistry by Morrison and Boyd Organic Chemistry by I. L. Finar ELBS Edition Neet Books Recommended
Baby Shower Function in Tamilnadu
Valaikappu or Valai pootu is celebrated as Baby Shower Function in Tamilnadu. Valai means valaiyal or bangles and kappu indicates protection. Srimantha, Seemantham and Pulikudi are other names familiar in South India. When a woman is pregnant it is celebrated in all housed in South India. Valaikappu function is celebrated during the 7th month of…
Washing Machine Safety Handling
In this article, we discuss the safety aspects of washing machine with special reference to rotations. There are three types of washing machines available in the market. They are Semi-automatic washing machine Automatic top load washing machine Fully automatic front load washing machine In this article we are discussing about fully automatic front load washing…

R S Notation
Rectus Sinister System of notation of optical isomers. Key points: •Rectus Sinister system •Rectus – right handed, clockwise •Sinister – left handed, counter-clockwise •Identify each chiral centre (sp3 C atom 4 different atoms or groups attached) •Assign the priority as high as 1, as low as 4 based on the atomic number. •Low priority group…
Electrochemical Extraction
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