Margazhi Arts Day01
மார்கழி மாத வண்ணக்கோலங்கள், Rangoli, creative artworks, creative concept maps, and innovative sketch notes of our Saitechinfo family members ( students, parents, teachers, well wishers and alumni) are displayed here. To display your creative works please send your jpeg images with signature and date in WhatsApp or Telegram 9444929163. This will be continued for the full…

Sri Sathya Sai Baba in our Life
Happy Birthday to Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba on 23rd November 2021. Evening Live Function at Saitechinfo

Happy Birthday Baba
Happy Birthday Baba!! Great Sayings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba Follow the Master. Face the devil. Fight to the End. Finish the Game See Good. Do Good. Be Good. This is the way to God. Being is wasted in becoming. Brotherhood of man and fatherhood of God. Hands in society; heads in forest. There…

Triangles Class 10
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Rainwater App
Rainwater app. You can enter the raining data in your locality and its area to get the amount of rain and beneficiaries in the given period of time. •நல்லார் ஒருவர் உளரேல், அவர் பொருட்டு எல் லார்க்கும் பெய்யும் மழை Check the volume of rain here https://datastudio.google.com/s/ud0TymrBQjc You can also update rainfall in your location in the form…

Learn for your sake
What is Learning?What is the objective of Learning?What are the obstacles of Learning?What is the Learning Schedule?For whom should you learn?What are the learning levels?What is learning strategy?What are learning tools?Who are the Learning Collaborators?Where should you learn?Who cannot be good learners? Learning •Acquire wisdom •Acquire knowledge •Acquire skill set •Acquire earning opportunities •Change of…

Vijaya Dashami Day 2021 Celebrations
Vijaya Dashmi Day was celebrated today (15-10-2021) at Saitechinfo with some grand events cited below. Veda by Sai Sunanda Slokas and Bhajans by our International Balvikas Students Classical Dance by Aruna from Dubai Carnatic Song by Sudiksha from Dubai Carnatic Song by Dharshini Tamil Song by Kaviya Keyboard by Yogesh Tamil Kavithai by Rakshitha Debate…
FAQ in General Studies Paper-1
Frequently asked questions have been listed below in General Studies Paper-1 of UPSC Mains. Are we losing our local identity for the global identity? Discuss Do we have cultural pockets of small India all over the nation? Elaborate with examples. What are the continued challenges for women in India against time and space? How do…

Interlinking of rivers in India
Interlinking of rivers can provide possible solutions to the multidimensional inter-related problems of droughts, floods and interrupted navigation. Let us examine. The NRLP (National River Linking Project) NRLP was formally known as the National Perspective Plan. The transfer of water from surplus basins to deficit basins. There is flooding of water in surplus basins. There…

Essay Paper in UPSC Mains FAQ
Following is the list of frequently asked questions in Essay Paper in UPSC Mains. Prepare your answers and share with us in our telegram group. For further details contact https://t.me/saitechinfo . Technology as the silent factor in international relations. Life is a long journey between human being and being humane. Mindful manifesto is the catalyst…