Continuity and Differentiability
Sketch Notes T esting Continuity and Discontinuity of a Function Differentiation Differentiation technicque – substitution method Differentiation by quotient rule Parametric differentiation Mean Value Theorem
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Sketch Notes T esting Continuity and Discontinuity of a Function Differentiation Differentiation technicque – substitution method Differentiation by quotient rule Parametric differentiation Mean Value Theorem
ஒவ்வொரு பெற்றோரின் எதிர்பார்ப்பும் இதுதான். பிள்ளைகளால் முடியாதது என்று எதுவுமில்லை. மாணவச்செல்வங்களே! தளர்வடையாதீர்கள்! முயற்சி திருவினையாக்கும். There is no gain without pain. (Pleasure + Pressure) Learning = Treasure. This is the formula I have found in my life. Go ahead, Let the parent be proud of your silent performance.
Trigonometric Quadrant System Half angle identities Double and triple angle identities Power Reducing Identities
Kolam is one of the greatest artwork of Tamil culture.
Sketch Note Particle nature Localized Not interfere Total value = sum of valued well defined Wave nature Delocalized Intefere resultant wave can be larger or smaller Properties of Cathode rays Cathode rays have the following properties:(i) They travel in straight lines.(ii) Cathode rays possess momentum and kinetic energy.(iii) Cathode rays produce heat, when allowed to…
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Are you a young graduate? Do you love children? Do you want to learn more by mentoring? Do you want a stable job in Government? Do you want to become an IAS officer? Do you know that the best method of retaining the learning contents in our memory only by teaching others? If you believe…
Let us learn with pleasure and withour pressure. Start early; drive slowly; reach safely! We admit junior students from STD VI to IX to shape them as IAS, IPS, NEET and Engineering aspirants. Coaching subjects: Maths, Science and Social Science from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm daily with a special class on Sundays. They are…
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