Logarithm and antilogarithm

Logarithms and antilogarithms are mathematical concepts that deal with powers and exponentials. Here’s a brief overview: Log and antilog tables Antilog table Source: https://mammothmemory.net/maths/logarithms/logarithms/how-do-you-work-out-logarithm-tables.html Concept Videos

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Mole Calculator

Number of moles = weight / molecular weight weight in gram, molecular weight in gram per mole. Using the online calculator you can verify your answer. Number of Moles Calculator Number of Moles Calculator Weight (in grams): Molecular Weight (g/mol): Calculate Number of Moles: Worksheet Calculate the number of moles based on the given weight…

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Sri Rudhra Ekadashini held at Saitechinfo

Sri Rudhra Ekadashini is the most appropriate Homam to solve today’s problems. It was held at Saitech Informatics on 19th August 2023 with the Sri Ganesha Puja. Benefits of conducting the Ancient Sri Rudhra Ekadashini: ஸ்ரீ ருத்ர ஏகாதஸினீ என்பது மஹா பிராயஸ்சித்த கர்மாவாகும்.. மிகவும் விசேஷமானது. கர்மாக்களுக்கு அங்கமாக அல்லாமல் தனியாகவும், எப்போது நினைத்தாலும், ஒருவர் செய்து கொள்ளலாம் குறைந்தது 11…

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77th Independence Day Celebrated at Saitechinfo

77th Independence day was celebrated on 15th August 2023 at Saitech Informatics. There were quiz competitions conducted in 161 topics from various subjects viz., Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computer Science etc. Many Students actively participated and some attemped as many quizzes as 60. The top three winners are awarded Independence Day Cup. The Independence day…

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Combined Defence Services Examination

The Combined Defence Services (CDS) Examination is conducted twice a year by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) for recruitment into the Indian Military Academy (IMA), Indian Naval Academy (INA), Officers Training Academy (OTA), and the Air Force Academy (AFA). The exam is conducted in two stages: the written examination and the Services Selection Board…

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Independence Day Quiz Marathon

Saitechinfo Independence Day Quiz Marathon! A challenge to Quiz Mongers!! Start Date: 12 August 2023, End Date: 15 August 2023 Number of Quiz Contests: Minimum 60 Anyone can participate in the quiz. However, Saitech students, Saitech parents, Saitech alumni and Saitech associates are eligible for award of prizes. Subjects: Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Technology, Biology,…

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Chemicals from common salts

Baking Soda (Sodium Bicarbonate) Washing Soda (Sodium Carbonate) Sodium Hydroxide Plaster of Paris Water of crystallization (or water of hydration) It refers to the specific number of water molecules present in one formula unit of a salt. This water is not present as liquid but is bound within the solid structure. Plaster of Paris is…

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Euclid Geometry

Here are Euclid’s five common notions (axioms): Euclid’s Postulates: To give a concrete example, here are the five postulates from Euclid’s “Elements” that form the foundation of Euclidean geometry: Problem Prove that an equilateral triangle can be constucted on any given line segment.

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