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NEET Physics
NEET Chemistry
NEET Biology
Accuracy and Precision
Conversion of Benzene to meta nitro acetophenone
The conversion of benzene to m-nitroacetophenone involves a two-step reaction process: Step 1: Friedel-Crafts Acylation (Benzene to Acetophenone) Reagents: Acetyl chloride (CH₃COCl) and anhydrous aluminum chloride (AlCl₃) Reaction: This reaction introduces the acetyl group (-COCH₃) to benzene, forming acetophenone. Step 2: Nitration (Acetophenone to m-Nitroacetophenone) Reagents: A mixture of concentrated nitric acid (HNO₃) and concentrated…
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Redox Reactions
Key Concepts What is redox reaction? Types of redox reactions. Balancing of redox reactions various methods Oxidation number method Ion electron method Algebraic method Prior Knowledge Molecular formula and chemical name Determination of oxidation number Identifying oxidising and reducing agents Rust formation is the best example of redox reactions. The rust…
System of Particles
System of particles – notes, worksheets, video lectures, interactivities, mcq, question bank
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NEET Question Bank
Year 2024 neet 2024 tamil neet2024 gajaha Year 2023 NEET 2023 q and a with key concepts neet 2023 chemistry q and a neet 2023 physics q and a Year 2022 NEET 2022 q and a Year 2021 NEET 2021 q and a Year 2020