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NEET Physics

Physical world and units and measurements
Motion in a Straight Line
Motion in a Plane
Laws of motion
Work,Energy and Power
System of particles and rotational motion
Mechanical Properties of Solids
Mechanical properties of fluids
Thermal properties of matter
Kinetic Theory
Electric Charges and Fields
Electrostatic Potential & Capacitance
Current Electricity
Moving Charges and Magnetism
Magnetism and Matter
Electromagnetic Induction
Alternating Current
Electromagnetic Waves
Ray Optics and Optical Instruments
Wave Optics
Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter
Semiconductor Electronics Materials, Devices and simple Circuits
Communication System

NEET Chemistry

Atomic Structure
Organic Chemistry Basic Principles and Techniques
Environmental Chemistry
Solid State
Chemical Kinetics
Surface Chemistry
General Principles and Process of Isolation of Elements
The p Block Elements
The d and f Block Elements
Coordination compounds
Haloalkanes and haloarenes
Alcohols, phenols and ethers
Aldehydes, ketones and carboxylic acids
Chemistry in Everyday Life
Basic Concepts in chemistry

NEET Biology

Anatomy of flowering plants
Animal Kingdom
Respiration in Plants
Anatomy of Flowering Plants – Plant Tissues
Anatomy of Flowering Plants Part – II
Structural Organisation in Animals: Animal Tissue
Cell – The Unit of Life Part I
Cell – The Unit of life Part II
Cell cycle and cell division
Transport in Plants Part I
Transport in Plants Part II
Mineral Nutrition Part I
Mineral Nutrition Part II
Photosynthesis in Higher Plants Part I
Photosynthesis in Higher Plants Part II
Respiration in Plants
Plant Growth and Development
Digestion and Absorption – Part I
Digestion and Absorption – Part II
Breathing and Exchange of gases
Body fluids and circulation – PART I
Body fluids and circulation – PART II
Excretory products and their elimination
Locomotion and movement
Neural control and coordination Part I
Neural control and coordination Part II
Chemical coordination and integration
Reproduction in Plants
Reproduction in Animals
Sexual reproduction in lowering plants
Human Reproduction
Reproductive Health
Principles of inheritance and variation – Part I
Principles of inheritance and variation – Part II
Molecular basis of inheritance
Human health and disease
Strategies for enhancement in food production
Strategies for enhancement in food production
Strategies for enhancement in food production
Biotechnology and its applications in Animals
Biotechnology and its applications in Plants
Organisms and population
Ecosystem – Structure and function
Biodiversity and Conservation
Environmental issues
Biological Classification
Cell – The Unit of Life
Cell cycle and cell division
Mineral Nutrition
Morphology of Flowering Plants
Photosynthesis in Higher Plants
Plant kingdom
Structural Organisation in Animals
The Living World
Transport in plants

Accuracy and Precision

Accuracy and Precision are two important concepts often used in scientific measurements and dataanalysis. They describe the quality and reliability of measurements but are distinct in their meanings. Accuracy Definition: Accuracy refers to how close a measured value is to the true or accepted value. Itindicates the correctness of a measurement.Example: If the true…

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Conversion of Benzene to meta nitro acetophenone

The conversion of benzene to m-nitroacetophenone involves a two-step reaction process: Step 1: Friedel-Crafts Acylation (Benzene to Acetophenone) Reagents: Acetyl chloride (CH₃COCl) and anhydrous aluminum chloride (AlCl₃) Reaction: This reaction introduces the acetyl group (-COCH₃) to benzene, forming acetophenone. Step 2: Nitration (Acetophenone to m-Nitroacetophenone) Reagents: A mixture of concentrated nitric acid (HNO₃) and concentrated…

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Redox Reactions

Key Concepts What is redox reaction? Types of redox reactions. Balancing of redox reactions various methods Oxidation number method Ion electron method Algebraic method Prior Knowledge Molecular formula and chemical name Determination of oxidation number Identifying oxidising and reducing agents Rust formation is the best example of redox reactions. The rust…

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Know your Saitechinfo

வணக்கம் ! Namaste! Welcome to Saitechinfo Gurukulam! Please enter your email and get free updates! 🎉 Welcome, dear friends, to Saitechinfo – Your gateway to a world of knowledge and inspiration! 🚀 Subscribe our youtubechannel: 🌐 Let us navigate the fascinating realms of knowledge across the 4S pillars: Science, Society, Spirituality, and Sustainability!…

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