Dual Nature of Electron

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TN State Board Topic Tree

1. Introduction to Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter  

   – Overview of the dual behavior of electromagnetic radiation and matter.

2. Electron Emission

   – Process and types (thermionic, photoelectric, field emission).

3. Photoelectric Effect

   – Hertz, Hallwachs, and Lenard’s observations.

   – Effect of intensity, potential difference, and frequency on photoelectric current.

   – Laws of the photoelectric effect.

   – Einstein’s explanation (particle nature of light).

4. Matter Waves

   – Introduction to wave nature of particles.

   – De Broglie’s wavelength.

   – Davisson-Germer experiment and its significance.

   – Applications (e.g., electron microscopes).

5. X-Rays

   – Properties, production, and applications.

6. Concepts and Examples

   – Quantization of energy.

   – Numerical problems with stepwise solutions.

Threshold frequency

de Broglie equation