(Pleasure + Pressure) Learning = Treasure

ஒவ்வொரு பெற்றோரின் எதிர்பார்ப்பும் இதுதான். பிள்ளைகளால் முடியாதது என்று எதுவுமில்லை. மாணவச்செல்வங்களே! தளர்வடையாதீர்கள்! முயற்சி திருவினையாக்கும். There is no gain without pain. (Pleasure + Pressure) Learning = Treasure. This is the formula I have found in my life. Go ahead, Let the parent be proud of your silent performance.

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Silence is Interpretation

When I listened, I could not understand. When I watched, I could not get it clarified. When I studied, I could not know. When I taught, I could not realize. When I was silent, I could understand. The ultimate learning is feasible when you are silently listening, studying, practising, thinking and introspecting. Remove all thoughts…

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