Learning Studio Designed by Saitech Students

Learning studio and Kanban Concept Card Plan are two important features of Saitech Informatics. We encourage all students to design and develop their own learning studio at home. Lonely studying affects seriously the academic performance sometimes. Due to COVID-19 pandemic situation, many students have terribly lost their interest in studies and get slowly addicted internet and mobile browsing and spoil their mind and health. In order to inspire students and encourage them in the right direction, Saitechinfo has introduced two innovative programmes, viz., Learning Studio and Kanban plan. Learning studio is a small set up which is very useful to listen to online classes more seriously conducted by the school and college teachers in a better environment. The students can also exhibit their talents or skill set or their working and other with their creative works related their studies with variety of learning tasks like concept mapping, infographics, sketch notes making, flash card and pocket designing. Kanban board helps the students to visualise their learning tasks which are pending, on priority, in progress and completed stages. Besides, the parents too can closely colloborate with their wards in their daily learning activities. Students spend minimum 4 hours per day at Saitech learing activities and 8 hours on every Sunday. Everyone can teach; everyone can learn from everywhere. What students need are follow up, doubt clarification and constant motivation from any institute or teacher. Nowadays, every good teacher has be become great institution with the individual infrastructure. Parents have realised that mere infrastructure of an institution without the backbone support of teachers will not workout especially in such pandemic situtation of COVID-19. We welcome enquires from parents, students and teachers to develop their own learning studio at their homes. Please contact us.

Listen to Saitechinfo Podcast and enjoy series of learning contents!

Pavani’s Learning Studio

Buy this wonderful tripod from amazon

Kaviya’s Learning Studio

Sudiksha’s Learning Studio

Mohammed Thoufeek’s Learning Studio