A Successful Job Hunting

Why You No Longer Find Good Jobs On Newspaper Ads


1.SWOT Analysis 2.What I really want to do? 3.My price 4.How to find a job 5.What are my outgoings? 6.Poor CV Good CV

SWOT Analysis

•Strength •Weakness •Opportunities •Threats

What I really want to do

•Type of work •Any particular company •Set up own business •Government services •Location

My Price

•Minimum starting salary •Benefits •Relocation to another area •Additional skill sets

How to find a job

•Friends •Advertisements •Job websites •HR consultants •Employment office •Direct approach •Recruitment agencies

What are my outgoings

•Mortgage •Educational loan •Home loan •Hire purchase •Vehicle loan •Living expenses •Family commitments

Poor CV

•Photocopy of a photocopy •Poor layout •Standard template •Not updated •Too long •Too short •Written in hurry

Good CV

•Duly updated •2 or 3 pages •Good covering letter •Different versions for different type of posts •A4 sheet •With passport size photo •All essential data •Freshly prepared based on the job specification


Brian Croucher, How to succeed in a highly competitive job market

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