Year: 2020

Doubt 9
A tank has two outlets A and B, which together take 6 hours to empty a full tank when they are opened simultaneously. The tank was inititally half-full and both outlests were opened. After an hour, an inlet pipe X was opened. If the air inlet can fill an empty tank in 4 hours, how…

Includes Electric field, force, potential and capacitors Parallel Plate Capacitor Problem based on parallel plate capacitors

Amazon Affiliate Banner Display Issue Solved
The problem: When you insert an Amazon affiliate advertisement banner, there is no display of the advt. banner. Most of the bloggers will be worrying about this issue. The Solution Let us do a simple trick. Change http: into https: in the script. Is it ok now? Thanks for watching this content. Please subscribe to…

Happy Birthday Sanjay Sridhar
Sanjay Speaks .… Life is the process of realising how significant one can be at the atomic level how much ever insignificant the individual is at the cosmic level. This realisation comes with guidance and training and occurs through what’s popularly know as a ‘tipping point’ or a series of such events. I was blessed…