Category: STD12
Relations and functions
Applications of derivatives
Inverse Trigonometric functions
Matrices and Determinants
Continuity and Differentiability
Application of integrals
Differential equations
Vector Algebra
Three Dimensional geometry
Linear Programming
Partial Fractions
Concepts Working Rule Worksheet Click to Reveal Answer This is the answer you want to reveal.
NBS Reagent
Concept Video ATOQ (Any Time Online Quiz) Key If you have any more questions or need further information, feel free to ask!
Direction Ratios and Direction Cosines
In three-dimensional geometry, direction ratios are used to represent the direction of a straight line in space. A direction ratio is a scalar value that specifies the change in the coordinates of a point on the line with respect to a unit change in the distance along the line in a particular direction. These direction…
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Continuity and Differentiability
Sketch Notes T esting Continuity and Discontinuity of a Function Differentiation Differentiation technicque – substitution method Differentiation by quotient rule Parametric differentiation Mean Value Theorem
Coordination Chemistry
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Inverse Trigonometry
Topic tree Sketch Notes Solving Inverse trigonometric function Find the domain of the given inverse trigonometric functions Period of a trigonometric function Finding out the period of a trigonometric function from a graph Finding the period of a sine function Tan of Sin inverse of x